Selected top 10 publications achieved by users

of the CICRR in 2024: 

 Garba, R., Usyk, V., Ylä-Mella, L. et al. East-to-west human dispersal into Europe 1.4 million years ago. Nature 627, 805–810 (2024). | Link

Petrovic B. (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States), et al., NEA (2024), "Fluoride-salt High-temperature Reactor (FHR) Reactor Physics Calculations Benchmark", NEA Working Papers, OECD Publishing, Paris

Mizera, J.; Strunga, V. (2024) Proximal ejecta of the putative parent impact crater for Australasian tektites at the Bolaven Plateau.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121(21), e2400122121. | Link

Rabochová M., Kulišová M., Lorinčík J., Maťátková O., Khun J., Scholtz V., Jarošová Kolouchová I.,

Assessing the antimicrobial efficacy of nonthermal plasma treatment on filamentous fungi spores and biofilms, Food Control, Volume 163, 2024, 110522, ISSN 0956-7135, | Link

Beníšek J., Validace účinného průřezu 63Cu(n,g) ve střední části štěpného spektra, Diplomová práce, Vedoucí práce: Košťál Michal; Oponent práce: Huml Ondřej (České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum.Czech Technical University in Prague. Computing and Information Centre., 2024-06-06); | Link

Beran, P.; Huvé, M.; Maignan, A.; Hervoches, C.; Fauth, F.; Martin, C. (2024) Ni4Nb1.8W0.1Ti0.1O9: Stabilization of the I-Type Ni4Nb2O9 Structure and First Magnetic Study of This Corundum-like Compound. Inorganic Chemistry 63(40), 18738-18749. | Link

Kaufman, J.; Bricín, D.; Špirit, Z.; Strejcius, J.; Šmaus, J.; Pathak, S.; Fulín, Z.; Brajer, J.; Mocek, T. Mitigating environmental assisted cracking in heterogeneous welds by laser peening without coating. Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 167, Part A, 2025, 108982, ISSN 1350-6307 | Link

Schulc, M.; Košťál, M.; Capote, R.; Šimon, J.; Novák, E.; Czakoj, T. High-energy neutron emission in thermal neutron-induced fission of 235 U. Physical Review C. | Link

Pfeiffer, L.; Dillenz, M.; Burgard, N.; Beran, P.; Roscher, D.; Zarrabetia, M.; Drews, P.; Hervoches, C.; Mikhailova, D.; Omar, A.; Baran, V.; Paul, N.; Sotoudeh, M.; Busch, M. From structure to electrochemistry: the influence of transition metal ordering on Na+/vacancy orderings in P2-type NaxMO2 cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. | Link

Pazderová, M.; Hojná, A.; Hadraba, H.; Stratil, L.; Šiška, F.; Chocholoušek, M.; Bricín, D.; Čížek, J. Liquid lead resistance and cracking of novel 1Al-Sc-Y ODS Eurofer steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 602, 2024, 155306, ISSN 0022-3115 | Link

Selected top 10 publications achieved by users

of the CICRR in 2023: 

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Radiation-Induced Volumetric Expansion of Concrete Aggregates.

Khmurovská Y., Fedoriková A., Aparicio A., Štemberk P., Hlaváč Z., Srba O.

Science Talks [online]. 2023, [cited 2024-01-12]. | Link

Changes in Concrete Subjected to Neutron Irradiation, 2023.

Hlaváč Z., Blažek, J., Sirotenko G.;

Barros, J.A.O., Kaklauskas, G., Zavadskas, E.K. (eds) Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. MBMST 2023.

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 392. Springer, Cham Web site. (accessed Jan 12, 2024) | Link

Special Issue: Behavior of Materials (Alloys, Coatings) in Conditions Specific to Gen IV Nuclear Reactors.

Fulger M., Khumsa-Ang K., Šípová M., Ducu C., Sáez-Maderuelo A.

Coatings [online]. 2022, [cited 2024-01-12]. ISSN 2079-6412 | Link

Odolnost a korozní chování slitiny 800H se svarem ve vysokoteplotním heliu., In Životnost komponent energetických zařízení.

Bartíková, T.; Procházka, J.; Berka, J.

Srní 2023 Oct 17-19, 2023; -0001; p. 193-197 

Measurements of the neutron spectra from the p plus Be neutron generator of the NPI CAS.

Majerle M., Ansorge M., Bém P., Koliadko D., Mrázek J., Novák J., Šimečková E., Štefánik M., Košťál M., Matěj Z., Chohan H., Wong O.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 

[online]. 2023, [cited 2024-01-12]. ISSN 0168-9002 | Link

A pile noise experiment in the reference core of the nuclear research reactor LR-0. 
Geslot B., Kooyman T., Casoli P., Leconte P., Boffy R., Truchet G., Juříček V., Košťál M.

Annals of Nuclear Energy [online]. 2023, [cited 2024-01-12]. ISSN 0306-4549 | Link

Korozní odolnost ODS-Eurofer v prostředí HLM, In Životnost komponent energetických zařízení.

Pazderová M., Hojná A., Vít J., Hadraba H., Čížek J.

Srní 2023 Oct 17-19, 2023; -0001; p. 219-222

Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Stainless Steel 310S in Supercritical Water.

Marušáková D., Šípová M., Novák M., Novotný R.

In Nuclear Energy for New Europe Sep 11-14, 2023; -0001 

Characterization of the secondary neutron field inside a cyclotron for production of radiopharmaceuticals.

 Zmeškal M., Košťál M., Czakoj T., Šimon J., Majerle M., Zach V., Lebeda O., Vadják Š., Antoš M., Matěj Z.

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 199, 2023, 110865, ISSN 0969-8043 | Link

S. Progress in the Evaluation and Validation of n+Fe-56,Fe-57 Cross Sections, 2023.

Trkov A., Capote R., Bernard D., Beyer R., Danon Y., Daskalakis A., Junghans A., Košťál M., Leconte P., Schulc M.

15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science & Technology | Link

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